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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Depopulation prevention policy in the Arkhangelsk region: problems and prospects

Vol. 13, Iss. 20, MAY 2015

Available online: 7 June 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 2-13

Bogdanova E.N. Institute of Humanities of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Severodvinsk, Russian Federation

Zalyvskii N.P. Higher School of Economics of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation

Importance Due to the negative trends of demographic situation in the Arkhangelsk region, a problem of implementing an effective regional social and economic policy has become a matter of national security and protection of geopolitical interests of the Russian Federation in the Arctic zone.
     Objectives The paper aims to overview the current demographic situation in the region and identify the main obstacles to the implementation of the 'policy of saving people'. We reviewed the problems of depopulation, the dynamics of life expectancy in the Arkhangelsk region considering the trends emerging in the Northwestern Federal District and the Russian Federation.
     Methods We applied econometric methods to analyze the problem.
We analyzed various aspects of the demographic situation in the region, identified the main trends of its development, characterized by the reduction in the number, low life expectancy and the ageing of the population. We considered the issues of depopulation and population dynamics of life expectancy in the Arkhangelsk region and compare the demographic trends in the region with the ones prevailing in the Northwestern Federal District, and the Russian Federation. We made a long-range prediction and assessed the efficiency of the State social and economic policy.
     Conclusions and Relevance
We conclude that stabilization of the demographic situation is possible only under the condition of overcoming the socio-economic crisis and improving the quality of life of the population of the region, as well as the development of the health system and creation of favourable conditions for life in the North. The results of this research can be used to substantiate and form a new regional socio-economic policy of the region, aimed at safeguarding the population.

Keywords: conservation, population, Arkhangelsk region, demographic situation, life expectancy, socio-economic policy, forecasting


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