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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Investment aspects of the modernization of socio-economic system of the region

Vol. 13, Iss. 38, OCTOBER 2015

Received: 3 March 2015

Received in revised form: 31 March 2015

Accepted: 7 April 2015

Available online: 20 October 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 44-60

Akhmedova M.R. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation

Importance The article deals with the investment aspects of modernization of the socio-economic system of the Republic of Dagestan.
     Objectives The purpose of the paper is to determine constraints on investment in the Republic of Dagestan, as well as to find good solutions of problems of attracting investment capital.
     Methods For the study, I used comparative and factorial analyses and statistics.
     Results I offer certain measures on attracting financial resources of investors for socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan and to reduce the investment risk. As well, I propose a scheme of improving the investment attractiveness of the Republic for the improvement of living standards, stable investment flows in the region, reducing the backlog in the socio-economic development from other regions of the Russian Federation, expanding the tax base, and increase revenue.
     Conclusions and Relevance At present, to enhance the investment attraction on the Republic of Dagestan, it is necessary to use a viable scheme improving the investment attractiveness of the region. The measures proposed will be able to take advantage of capital attracted due to the lack of the own one, and will help adjust the main shortcomings in the development of investment activity in practice.

Keywords: investment, attractiveness, potential, risk, investor, region


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Vol. 22, Iss. 7
July 2024
