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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Integral assessment of the region's innovative force of attraction

Vol. 13, Iss. 42, NOVEMBER 2015

Received: 9 July 2015

Received in revised form: 7 August 2015

Accepted: 19 August 2015

Available online: 13 November 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 40-51

Kulagina A.G. Ulianov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

Mitrofanov E.P. Ulianov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

Nazarov A.A. Ulianov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation

Importance The article discusses the formation of integrated quantitative estimation of the innovative attractiveness of regions of the Russian Federation.
     Objectives The article's purpose is to get ranked assessments of key socio-economic indicators of the development of regional systems according to their level of influence on innovative attraction.
     Methods For the study, we used statistical analysis, integrated estimate, and ranking.
     Results The paper shows the received ranked assessments of the main socio-economic indicators for the development of regional systems.
     Conclusions and Relevance We conclude that ranking the indicators by levels of impact on the innovative appeal with weight coefficients obtained allows highlighting the priority areas to stimulate the development of the region and the country. The results of the research can be used in the practice of regional and public innovation management.

Keywords: innovative activity, integral assessment, weight coefficient, clusters


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Vol. 22, Iss. 7
July 2024
