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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The formation of a regional model to improve the energy efficiency management of low-rise development

Vol. 13, Iss. 46, DECEMBER 2015

Received: 23 April 2015

Received in revised form: 5 October 2015

Accepted: 22 October 2015

Available online: 17 December 2015


JEL Classification: 

Pages: 34-41

Minaev N.N. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Filyushina K.E. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Gusakov A.M. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Gusakova N.V. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Zharova E.A. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Importance The article deals with the issues of formation of a regional model of development and control processes to improve the energy efficiency of low-rise housing development in the Russian Federation.
     Objectives The paper aimed to develop theoretical bases and practical recommendations for the formation of the market of affordable low-rise housing, meeting the requirements of the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness.
     Methods For the study, we used object-logical, structural-functional and system analyses, system and program-targeted approaches to research, as well as the indicative planning and situational modelling tools.
     Results We have developed a model for creating and implementing regional development programs for low-rise housing, taking into account the requirements of energy efficiency. As well, we propose a system of indicators that show the effectiveness of the implementation of this model.
     Conclusions and Relevance We conclude on the lack of effectiveness of the existing government programs aimed at the development of low-rise construction. The results of this research may be useful in the preparation of territorial planning documents, like regional and State programs for low-rise housing development.

Keywords: energy efficiency, energy conservation, low-rise housing construction, management, regional economy


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