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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The formation of regional wholesale distribution centers using modern stock-exchange instruments: Evidence from the Orenburg oblast

Vol. 14, Iss. 5, MAY 2016

Received: 29 October 2015

Accepted: 11 January 2016

Available online: 31 May 2016


JEL Classification: Q10, Q18

Pages: 73-85

Morozova M.P. Orenburg State Agrarian University, Orenburg, Russian Federation

Importance The article deals with the issues of interaction between agricultural producers and organized/unorganized consumers after launching the import substitution program in Russia.
Objectives The paper's purpose is to give a comprehensive assessment of the agricultural market of the Orenburg oblast, as well as provide scientifically based recommendations for development of a commodity exchange as part of the infrastructure of wholesale and distribution centers for agricultural products.
Methods I used statistical methods as the methodological basis of the study.
Results I provide an economic justification of the necessity to establish wholesale and distribution centers with commodity exchange, specifying their objectives and functions.
Relevance The proposed integrated wholesale and distribution centers with a functioning financial infrastructure, a commodity exchange in particular, have obvious advantages and benefits for all members of such an alliance, as well as the region, where it is established.

Keywords: wholesale and distribution center, commodity exchange, regular warehouse receipt, double storage certificate, futures


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Vol. 22, Iss. 7
July 2024
