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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The concept of knowledge-based economy in the region

Vol. 15, Iss. 2, FEBRUARY 2017

Received: 1 July 2016

Received in revised form: 8 November 2016

Accepted: 1 December 2016

Available online: 18 February 2017


JEL Classification: B41, D81, D83

Pages: 212-221


Batov G.Kh. Institute of Computer Science and Problems of Regional Management of KBSC of RAS, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russian Federation

Subject The article deals with the issues of formation of knowledge-based economy at the regional level.
Objectives The article aims to develop and present a particular concept that is conducive to resolve the problem of knowledge-based economy formation at the regional level.
Methods For the study, I used the theory of reproduction, a systems approach, and scientific methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, analogies and scientific generalizations.
Results The article proposes a concept of formation of knowledge-based economy in the region. The concept can become a basis for a new regional economic policy and development strategy of the region.
Conclusions and Relevance A knowledge-based economy will encourage a buoyant development of the regions of the Russian Federation, especially those ones that have not sufficient resources or the depressive ones, such as the regions of the North Caucasian Federal District. The solution to many problems of the regions is possible through the development of industries that produce knowledge, and knowledge institutions.

Keywords: knowledge-based economy, concept, systems approach, theory of reproduction


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