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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Information systems for automating the analysis and planning of food industry enterprises' operation: Evidence from the Republic of Dagestan

Vol. 15, Iss. 2, FEBRUARY 2017

Received: 4 April 2016

Received in revised form: 26 May 2016

Accepted: 5 July 2016

Available online: 18 February 2017


JEL Classification: D24, L86, M15, О21, О22

Pages: 303-314


Adamadziev K.R. Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation

Akutaev S.G. Dagestan State University, Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russian Federation

Subject The article deals with the issues of wide practice and use of information systems to automate the activities of industrial enterprises.
Objectives The article aims to analyze the provision of food industry enterprises with information systems for planning, forecasting and evaluation of their activities.
Methods For the study, we used official statistics, analytical portals data, information and reports from developers and solution providers which helped to analyze the informatization of enterprises of Russia and the Republic of Dagestan.
Results We present a review of information systems and software, introduced and used in industries of Russia and the Republic of Dagestan, which help solving the problems of automation of analysis, planning and forecasting of the activities of enterprises. We show the advantages and disadvantages of the used information systems and identify the reasons for the lack of widespread use of specialized information systems at the enterprises of food industry of the Republic of Dagestan.
Relevance Managers of enterprises, management and specialists of the Ministry of Food Industry, analysts in the field of economics can use the results of the study.

Keywords: information systems, automation, food processing, ERP system, Republic of Dagestan


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