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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

A model of development of the housing and utilities sector in the context of development of energy efficient technologies

Vol. 16, Iss. 11, NOVEMBER 2018

Received: 10 August 2018

Received in revised form: 8 September 2018

Accepted: 22 September 2018

Available online: 16 November 2018


JEL Classification: D15, O18

Pages: 2121–2134


Zimovets A.V. Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and Social Systems of the Southern Federal University (IMES SFEDU), Taganrog, Russian Federation


Makarenya T.An. Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and Social Systems of the Southern Federal University (IMES SFEDU), Taganrog, Russian Federation


Subject This article deals with the issues related to the sphere of housing and communal services.
Objectives The article aims to classify the main problems of the sphere of housing and communal services and consider the possibility of its modernization on the basis of state-of-the-art energy efficient technology.
Methods For the study, we used graphical, analytical, statistical data processing methods, and the Delphi technique.
Results The article describes real and economically advantageous directions of application of energy-efficient technologies in the sphere of housing and communal services. The article also proposes a model of formation of relations between the housing sector and commercial organizations and the private sector in terms of partial self-sufficiency and improvement of environmental protection.
Conclusions In terms of housing sector reform, an apartment buildings self-sufficiency model is considered to be a perspective one. The use of modern energy efficient technologies will make this market segment attractive for investors.

Keywords: housing and communal services, self-sufficiency, resource saving technologies


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