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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

The impact of the socio-cultural academic environment on the socio-cultural potential of a city

Vol. 17, Iss. 4, APRIL 2019

Received: 25 December 2018

Received in revised form: 25 February 2019

Accepted: 4 March 2019

Available online: 15 April 2019


JEL Classification: P25, R11, Z1

Pages: 779–788


Minaev N.N. Tomsk State University (TSU), Tomsk, Russian Federation


Volchkova I.V. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (TSUAB), Tomsk, Russian Federation


Dobrynina O.I. Tomsk State University (TSU), Tomsk, Russian Federation


Subject The article discusses approaches to defining the concepts socio-cultural environment, socio-cultural potential, and academic environment.
Objectives The research aims to determine the extent to which the academic environment influences the socio-cultural potential of a city.
Methods The research is based on methods of comparative analysis, correlation and regression analysis.
Results We identified factors boosting the socio-cultural potential of a city, i.e. qualities of human resources, interaction of individuals in the society, society and individual (a group), public awareness of socio-cultural phenomena, development of the socio-cultural milieu, social infrastructure. Considering the said factors, we examined the role of the academic environment in boosting the socio-cultural potential of a city, referring to the city of Tomsk as a case in point. We conducted the correlation and regression analysis that describes the socio-cultural potential of Tomsk.
Conclusions The socio-cultural potential of the municipality originates in the academic environment where learning and leisure activities blend. The academic environment has a targeted impact on students, thus making them the basis for the development of the socio-cultural potential.

Keywords: socio-cultural environment, academic environment, socio-cultural potential, education


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