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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

A methodological approach to evaluating, ranking and identifying the best ecotourism projects

Vol. 17, Iss. 4, APRIL 2019

Received: 13 February 2019

Received in revised form: 27 February 2019

Accepted: 14 March 2019

Available online: 15 April 2019


JEL Classification: Q57

Pages: 789–800


Bardakhanova T.B. Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (BINM SB RAS), Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation


Eremko Z.S. Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (BINM SB RAS), Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation


Maksanova L.B.-Zh. Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (BINM SB RAS), Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Subject The article focuses on ecotourism projects.
Objectives The research devises a methodological approach to evaluating, ranking and identifying the best ecotourism projects.
Methods We propose an algorithm for evaluating, ranking and identifying the best ecotourism through the hierarchical analysis method. The best projects are ranked and identified with the proposed program, Regional Specifics of Investment Projects.
Results The algorithm consists of three components, i.e. project analysis, preparation of a set of criteria and scoring of project, ranking and selection of the best projects. We made a system of consolidated and internal criteria for testing each project. The article presents our scoring technique. The pair-wise comparison procedure is proposed to rank criteria and identify the best project.
Conclusions The proposed methodological approach implies the formation of a set of criteria to evaluate the performance and efficiency of ecotourism development projects, devise an algorithm for ranking and identifying the best projects. The approach allows for primary processing of project data, makes the unbiased assessment of their quality and feasibility, generalizes results of the assessment and selects the best ones.

Keywords: project, ecotourism, set of criteria, scoring, ranking


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