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ИД «Финансы и кредит»






Regional Economics: Theory and Practice

Health-care system's development in the regional eco-economic space

Vol. 19, Iss. 9, SEPTEMBER 2021

Received: 3 June 2021

Received in revised form: 22 July 2021

Accepted: 1 August 2021

Available online: 15 September 2021


JEL Classification: I15, Q56, R11

Pages: 1759–1788


Galina E. MEKUSH Kemerovo State University (KemSU), Kemerovo, Russian Federation

ORCID id: not available

Alena P. BARANOVA Kemerovo State University (KemSU), Kemerovo, Russian Federation


Subject. This article looks into the economic and environmental aspects of the public health system's development at the regional level.
Objectives. The article aims to reveal the trends of the impact of environmental and economic parameters of individual areas of the region on the population incidence rate.
Methods. For the study, we used a correlation analysis.
Results. The article determines a direct relationship between the environmental situation in the analyzed areas and their economic potential, emphasizing that a high economic potential of the area provokes a high anthropogenic load on it. However, there is no obvious dependence of cancer morbidity rate on the ecological state of the administrative territories.
Conclusions. Insufficient funding in certain territories can be a factor in the deterioration of the quality of human capital due to the low medical services availability level. Public-private partnership can be a way to attract additional sources of financing.

Keywords: economic development, health care, morbidity rate, correlation analysis


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Vol. 22, Iss. 7
July 2024
